Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week 1 - Day 3

Ok. Pictures first. I have to keep myself honest and motivated. Not sure where the front photo went.
*(deep breath)* and post!

Ok. The worst part is over!  I like my body from the knees down, when my legs are shaved!

I was less sore this morning than I thought I'd be, but 12 hours later, I can really feel it!

Today's work out was in circuits. 5 stations, 30 seconds at each, as many reps as you can, 30 seconds to rest, then rotate to next station.

Station 1 - Air squats
Station 2 - Push Ups
Station 3 - Burpees (modified with high box for me)
Station 4 - Kettle Bell Swings - 10 lb bell
Station 5 - Pull Ups (Ring Rows for me)

We should have had a 6th station for sit ups, so were assigned 100 of those as homework.

If I walk like Frankenstein tomorrow, I will try to do it proudly.

Until Friday...

Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 1 - Day 1

Hello! Welcome to my journey to a healthier me! At 55, I weigh more than I ever have, feel tired all the time, hate clothes shopping (especially for bras) and decided to make a change. I Joined A Cross Fit Gym challenge for 6 weeks, that started 10/1/16, with my first full one hour class today.

I have been measured, weighed, body compositioned, assessed for range of motion and balance issues.

Today's work out was my first full hour, that will be from 6-7 am M/W/F. For today, at least, no pictures or before photos or starting weight.

Today's workout:

Warm up
Run 100 meters
10 squats
4 x 5 (4 sets/5 reps each:
Overhead bar lift (15 lbs)
Deadlift 10 lb dumbell
10 minutes AMRAYC
(As many reps as you can)
Partnered with another athlete, one tosses a weighted ball up on the wall from a full squat, then jumping up to toss, for 15 reps, while the other holds plank position. This is a timed event for 10 minutes!

I have been given a handicap on wall ball, as I can't do a full squat (yet) to go as low as I can and jump if possible. Also for planking, I get to use a box instead of on the floor until I build up my arm strenght.

I got through my first full day and Monday. Stay tuned for more updates. Before and after stats may have to reveal themselves later!

By the way we were recommended to follow the Paleo Diet and given daily recipe plans. I will incorporate this to some extent, but it is a bit expensive to commit to. I am going to try to go decaffeinated and for those who know me, that is one giant step!